English names:
Chinese cinnamon, Chinese cassia, cassia bark.
Large tree, reaching a height of 10-20m. All parts glabrous. Leaves alternate, short-petioled, rigidly coriaceous, acute or slightly obtuse at the apex, triplinerved base, shining dark-green above, pale beneath. Inflorescence in axillary or terminal cymose panicle; flowers white. Drupe ovoid, glabrous, purplish-brown when ripe.
Flowering period:
April - October.
Occurs wild in mountainous regions; also cultivated.
Parts used:
Tree bark, collected during summer and autumn. The bark obtained is dried in the shade. An essential oil can be obtained by distillation.
Chemical composition:
The whole plant, especially the stem bark and twig bark, contain an essential oil, cinnamic aldehyde, coumarin.
Therapeutic uses:
The bark possesses antibacterial, circulatory, respiratory, uterotonic and stomachic properties. It is applied in the therapy of dyspepsia, colic, diarrhoea, cholera, dysentery, menstrual haematometra, coryza, influenza, cough, asthma, paresis and snake-bite. It is administered in a daily dose of 1 to 4g, in the form of a decoction, infusion, powder, pills or juice obtained by grinding it up with water. It is also recommended as a tonic. The essential oil from the bark is a constituent of balsams.
Source: Medicinal plants in Viet Nam (Institute of Materia Medica).
Chinese cinnamon, Chinese cassia, cassia bark.
Large tree, reaching a height of 10-20m. All parts glabrous. Leaves alternate, short-petioled, rigidly coriaceous, acute or slightly obtuse at the apex, triplinerved base, shining dark-green above, pale beneath. Inflorescence in axillary or terminal cymose panicle; flowers white. Drupe ovoid, glabrous, purplish-brown when ripe.
Flowering period:
April - October.
Occurs wild in mountainous regions; also cultivated.
Parts used:
Tree bark, collected during summer and autumn. The bark obtained is dried in the shade. An essential oil can be obtained by distillation.
Chemical composition:
The whole plant, especially the stem bark and twig bark, contain an essential oil, cinnamic aldehyde, coumarin.
Therapeutic uses:
The bark possesses antibacterial, circulatory, respiratory, uterotonic and stomachic properties. It is applied in the therapy of dyspepsia, colic, diarrhoea, cholera, dysentery, menstrual haematometra, coryza, influenza, cough, asthma, paresis and snake-bite. It is administered in a daily dose of 1 to 4g, in the form of a decoction, infusion, powder, pills or juice obtained by grinding it up with water. It is also recommended as a tonic. The essential oil from the bark is a constituent of balsams.
Source: Medicinal plants in Viet Nam (Institute of Materia Medica).
Indians using English names are a serious turn off for me. Won't do business with people with assumed names. #fail #SEO
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