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Wednesday, September 26

Alpinia galanga (L.) Willd.

English names:
Greater galangal, Siamese ginger, Java galangal, Siamese galangal.


Perennial herbaceous plant, 1-2m. high. Rhizome cylindrical, stout, aromatic, covered with scales. Leaves alternate, lanceolate, lower part surrounding the stem, the upper face glabrous and shining. Inflorescence in terminal dense raceme 20-30 cm. long; flowers white, lip veined with red. Fruit globose or ovoid.

Flowering period:
May - September.

Grows wild in the mountains and is cultivated everywhere.

Parts used:

The rhizomes may be collected throughout the year, but preferably in autumn and winter, and are sun - dried or heat - dried before use.

Chemical composition:

The rhizome yields an essential oil consisting of cineol, methyl cinnamate and flavones: galangin, alpinin, kaempferide and 3 -dioxy 4-methoxy flavone.

Therapeutic uses:

The rhizome is an antibacterial agent and a digestive stimulant. It is indicated in the treatment of dyspepsia, flatulence, vomiting, gastralgia, colic, diarrhoea and malaria fever, in a daily dose of 3 to 6g, in the form of a decoction, powder or elixir. It is also applied externally on carious teeth to cure toothache.

Source: Medicinal plants in Viet Nam (Institute of Materia Medica - HANOI - WHO/WPRO, 1990, 444 p.)

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