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Tuesday, September 18

Achyranthes bidentata Blume


Perennial herbaceous plant, 60-80 cm. high. Tuberous roots long, cylindrical. Stems angular, swollen at the nodes. Leaves opposite, elliptic to linear-lanceolate, short-petioled, with margins undulate. Inflorescence in terminal spike; flowers greenish-white, numerous, deflected against the rachis. Utricle oblong-cylindrical, one-seeded.

Flowering period:

May - July.


An introduced species, it is cultivated in the plains.

Parts used:

The tuberous roots, collected in winter and spring, are exposed to the sun until half-dried, then wrapped up for 7 days until the skin is seamed with wrinkles. They are subjected to sulfur fumigation and further drying. The drug is normally used unprocessed but sometimes before being used it is soaked in alcohol and torrefied until it becomes yellow.

Chemical composition:

The tuberous roots contain triterpenoid saponins, the genin of which is oleanolic acid; ecdysterone, inokosterone, b-sitosterol, stigmasterol.

Therapeutic uses:

The roots possess anti-inflammatory, hypocholesterolaemic, hypotensive and uterotonic properties. The drug is indicated for rheumatism, lumbago, dysmenorrhoea, hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia, atherosclerosis, dysuria, haematuria, contusions, congestion and sore throat. It is also used as an oxytocic in dystocia, placenta retention and post-partum haematometra. It is prescribed in a dose of 6 to 12g per day in the form of a decoction.

Source:Medicinal plants in Viet Nam (Institute of Materia Medica - HANOI - WHO/WPRO, 1990, 444 p.)


  1. An hour from home is most definetely away: I'm glad you had that chance! In my experience medicinal plants and herbs can be more tricky than any other plants: in the right soil and climate, they behave almost weed-like, while in the wrong setting they won't thrive at all. I'd start from learning about your soil, and then about herbs! Enjoy the rest of your time off.

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