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Tuesday, September 18

Aconitum fortunei Hemsl.


Perennial herbaceous plant, 0.6-1 m. high. Roots paired, tuberous, conical with mother-tuber and daughter-tuber. Stem erect, cylindrical, glabrous. Leaves of two kinds: the lower cordate, crenated; the upper 3- palmatipartite, sharply denticulate. Inflorescence in terminal raceme; flowers blue. Follicles: 5, sessile, oblong, divergent. Seeds winged.
Flowering period:

October - November.


Grows wild in the high mountains.

Parts used:

The tuberous roots are collected in autumn before the plant flowers, and sun-dried.

Chemical composition:

The tuberous roots contain the alkaloid aconitine.

Therapeutic uses:

The tuberous roots are used in treating rheumatism, paresis, arthralgia, luxation, sprains and contusions. Their tincture is used as liniment. It must not be taken by mouth, because of its high toxicity.

Source:Medicinal plants in Viet Nam (Institute of Materia Medica - HANOI - WHO/WPRO, 1990, 444 p.)

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