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Thursday, November 29

5 Exercise tips for diabetics

Injecting InsulinRegardless of whether you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, it is important that you now realize that you have a problem in your hands, you have an illness to take care of and if you do not do anything about it and keep the same lifestyle that you have been having up until today, you can pretty much kiss your life goodbye! Yes, I know these are harsh words and at more than one person may even get upset about it, but when it comes to diabetes the truth can be very upsetting and that is that if you do not take care of your body now that you know if your condition consequences can be dire.
After you have been diagnosed with diabetes you will get several medications as well testing supplies so you can be on top of your health condition at all times. However, the best medication doesn't cost a thing and it's something that you should've been doing in the first place, such medication/treatment is called exercise.

Diabetics don't like to hear about the "E" word because it implies physical activity, movement, sweating and some might not be comfortable about the whole idea but exercise is just part of your treatment and you need to get used to be a deity you need to move around and keep your body not only in shape but healthy if you want to be around for those important moments in life such as your children graduation, their wedding and such.

Exercise it doesn't necessarily have to involve weight lifting or running for hours at the local gym, in fact you can start with very small changes around your house that will also count as an exercise as much as weight lifting at the gym do. For instance:

1. Try to vacuum four times per week, even if your house is not that dirty. Vacuuming can be a great exercise that will help you move around, sweat a little and achieve your main goal which is to remain healthy and keep your diabetes and check.
2. Walk, walk, walk and then walk some more. Lots of people often come up with very ingenious excuses about the many reasons they have for not walking, maybe it is raining, maybe they work a lot of hours and don't have enough time throughout the day to walk, well you need to get over those excuses and find or better yet make some time throughout your busy day so you can dedicate at least five to 10 minutes to this exercise.
3. Go to your local mall and walk around.
4. Whenever you go out shopping try to make many trips from the car to your house instead of making just one trip with all the things you have purchased.
5. Play around with your kids, pets or try to get yourself a workout buddy that can encourage you to reach your goals.

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  1. [...] we think of diabetes, the first thing that comes to mind is to eschew everything that is sweet from our diet. Well, not [...]

  2. Staying active is a great way to prevent and control diabetes. Dr. Rosen, an expert on metabolic diseases a Philadelphia physician on fore of new research and therapies for the treatment and management of diabetes, recommends the following exercise tips for those living with diabetes:

    -- Wear well-fitted shoes

    -- Dress in light clothing

    --- Exercise after meals, if possible, to reduce the risk of hypoglycemia

    -- Warm-up (stretch) prior to exercise

    -- Remember to drink regularly during exercise

    -- Take soft candy

    -- Build exercise tolerance

    -- Do not perform intense exercise without discussion with your personal physician

    "Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle," says Dr. Rosen. "Following these tips and consulting your person physician will ensure that you manage your diabetes and remain physically fit and otherwise healthy."

    Dr. Rosen has performed key diabetes research that has been published in leading journals including Diabetes and the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. He has also been a spokesperson and diabetes research advocate, serving as President of the Eastern Region of the American Diabetes Association from 2001 to 2002, which awarded him the Charles H. Best Medal for Distinguished Service.

  3. Study: Some patients with type 1 diabetes avoid complications <a rel="nofollow"

  4. &#AWhat #kind of #diet does one #consume when #they have #type two ##diabetes?

  5. Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes Prevalence in Adults from Two Remote First Nations Communities ... #diet #health #food



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