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Sunday, November 25

Herbal Remedies for Osteoporosis causes and symptoms

Purple sprouting broccoliHerbal Remedies for Osteoporosis causes and symptoms

Osteoporosis is characterized by exaggeration of this process, because of an imbalance between the activity of osteoblasts (bone cells that provide training) and that of osteoclasts (cells that ensure the destruction of bone): for a same volume, the bone is less dense, therefore more fragile. Osteoporosis is a condition where the bones begin to lose their density, placing the sufferer at increased risk of a fracture or break. It's a condition that typically occurs as we age when the body is less able to regenerate healthy new bone.

Osteoporosis or porous bones is a disease that affects primarily white and Asian women. After menopause, the ovaries stop producing the female hormone estrogen that affects the calcium content of bones. As the bones lose calcium, they become thin and brittle. Although men may also suffer from osteoporosis as they age, women are more vulnerable because they have less bone mass.

Causes - The causes of osteoporosis are multiple. The most common is postmenopausal osteoporosis. At menopause, estrogen levels (hormones patrons of bone) suffer a collapse, while that of corticosteroids (hormones that increase bone resorption) remain constant. Senile osteoporosis is observed particularly in women past 60 years, the frequency increases with age. It is favored by the inactivity of the absence of exposure to natural light (which allows the skin to synthesize vitamin D), from a system low in calcium and protein. Osteoporosis can be and endocrine or drug origin: excess thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism or related to a bad treatment of a hipotiroidii dosed) or parathyroid (presence of a parathyroid adenoma in one), corticosteroids (Cushing's disease, treatment corticosteroid), etc.. The osteoporosis may occur at any age.

Symptoms and signs - Fractures are the main manifestations of osteoporosis. Place of production varies with fracture reduction as bone density affects cortical bone or spongy bone.

Some natural and herbal remedies for osteoporosis:

Eat a healthy diet which includes plenty of calcium and vitamin D. Exercise regularly and cut down on alcohol and cigarettes. For good source of calcium have low-fat milk, yoghurt, cheese, and orange juice, green leafy vegetable like spinach, cereals and breads.

A twenty minute walk three to four times a week may help you tremendously. You can also go biking, swimming or join aerobic dancing classes to improve the bone condition. Engage in weight-bearing exercises as these help in strengthening the bones. If you have a swimming pool or a beach around your house, go walking in chest deep water for 30 minutes at least three days a week. This prevents stress on your bones hence there is less erosion.

A cup of milk has 100 international units of vitamin D. Four cups a day could be your daily dose of vitamin D. Studies have also shown that post-menopausal women can have supplements containing manganese (5 mg/day), copper (2.5 mg/day), and zinc (15 mg/day) in combination with a calcium supplement (1,000 mg/day). It is termed to be more effective than having the calcium supplement alone.

Consume less salt and avoid food products which have more than 300 milligrams of salt per serving. Stay away from carbonated beverages like cola and soft drinks. The phosphoric acid present in carbonated drinks contains phosphorus, which if had in excess, can cause elimination of calcium from the body.

Women are more prone to osteoporosis than men.
- Increasing age
- Hereditary
- Low estrogen and testosterone level in women and men respectively.
- Thin and frail body structure or suffering from anorexia nervosa
- Calcium and vitamin D deficiency
- Lack of exercise
- Smoking and drinking alcohol has adverse effects on the bone density.
- Use of certain medication or drugs

A little exercise can go a long way in avoid osteoporosis, a crippling bone disease that influence 200 million people worldwide.


  1. Osteoporosis is a condition characterized by a decrease in the density of bone, decreasing its strength and resulting in fragile bones. Osteoporosis literally leads to abnormally porous bone that is compressible, like a sponge. This disorder of the skeleton weakens the bone and results in frequent fractures (breaks) in the bones. Osteopenia is a condition of bone that is slightly less dense than normal bone but not to the degree of bone in osteoporosis.

    Normal bone is composed of protein, collagen, and calcium, all of which give bone its strength. Bones that are affected by osteoporosis can break (fracture) with relatively minor injury that normally would not cause a bone to fracture. The fracture can be either in the form of cracking (as in a hip fracture) or collapsing (as in a compression fracture of the vertebrae of the spine). The spine, hips, ribs, and wrists are common areas of bone fractures from osteoporosis although osteoporosis-related fractures can occur in almost any skeletal bone.

  2. Menopause Estrogen: A woman's body continues to produce some estrogen after menopause. The ovaries still produce s... <a rel="nofollow"



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